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Invited Talk @ RSS 2023

Interdisciplinary Exploration of Generalizable Manipulation Policy Learning Workshop

Talks by Students

Minho Heo (RSS 2023 Paper Session)

Environments / Datasets


Open X-Embodiment Dataset
The Open X-Embodiment Dataset, the most extensive open-source dataset for real robots available, offers over 1M+ million real robot trajectories across 22 different robot embodiments.
[Project] [Dataset]
FurnitureBench / FurnitureSim (Best System Paper Award at RSS 2023)
FurnitureBench is a reproducible real-world furniture assembly benchmark for long-horizon complex robotic manipulation. Its simulated environment, FurnitureSim, is a fast and realistic simulator based on Isaac Gym and Factory.
[PDF] [Project] [Code] [Dataset]
CLVR Jaco Play Dataset
The CLVR Jaco Play Dataset provides 1,085 teleoperated robotic episodes with accompanying language annotations.
IKEA Furniture Assembly Environment
The IKEA Furniture Assembly Environment is one of the first benchmarks for testing and accelerating the automation of complex manipulation tasks.
[PDF] [Project] [Code]


CREATE: Chain REAction Tool Environment
CREATE is a reinforcement learning benchmark for solving a class of complex physics puzzles with diverse tools.
[PDF] [Project] [Code] [Demo]